Max msp piano
Max msp piano

max msp piano

The keyword out2 in a message expression creates a second, right outlet for the if object. Messages can be sent to remote receive objects by preceding the message expression with send, followed by the name of the receive object. You use $i1, $f1, or $s1 instead of $1 for changeable arguments. Message expressions are similar to what you type into a message box, with the following differences: Otherwise, it evaluates the second message expression after the word else (or does nothing in the case where no else and second message expression have been typed in. If evaluates the conditional expression, and if the result is non-zero, evaluates the message expression after the word then. After the message expression, there is an optional else and a second message expression. The word then follows the conditional statement, which is then followed by a message expression. Refer to the description of the expr object for details. The arguments for the if object start with a conditional statement that uses the same syntax as expr.

Max msp piano