Well she would looking at it the nurse practitioner had Dana paid special attention to look a penis that is not hard and how an uncircumcised penis looks. Well the nurse practitioner also has Dana look at my penis, balls and the rest of my body to see if she could see any signs of an STD. Once she is done with that the nurse practitioner verbal walks Dana through how to do an STD exam. So I am standing there totally naked while Dana freezes away this bump right above my penis. Well the nurse practitioner does get back she says Dana is going to freeze it away. Well the nurse practitioner goes and get the stuff to freeze it away which is weird, but only takes a few minutes. It is caused by the heat, but she can freeze it away. She then looks at a bump which is right about my penis she says it is nothing to worry about. Well the nurse practitioner is old enough to be my grandma and she looks at the chart and tells me to strip down.

She gets the nursing student and it turns out to be a friend of mine from high school. She knocks on the door and when she come in she asks me if it is OK if a nursing student may come in because they need to learn how to perform these kind of exams. Well I go in and am getting tested when I am in the room waiting for the nurse practitioner to come in.

So about a month ago I went in to get tested for STD’s and everything came back good, but I had the most embarrassing thing happen to me.